Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Glen Iris Farm, Pt. 2: Napoleon gets an attorney

It was always the pigs who put forward the resolutions. The other animals understood how to vote, but could never think of any resolutions of their own.
-George Orwell, The Animal Farm, Chapter 3

THE PROBLEM (Oink)  The only problem with giving people the right to vote is that, all too often, they don’t vote correctly.

THE BACKROOM DEAL  Although the By-Laws specifically state owners are to write the names of those for whom they are voting, what we pigs must do is help them be better Comrades and voters by writing down only the very best choices for them, so they don’t become hopelessly confused and make the wrong choices.

‘But then what shall the purpose of voting be?’ squealed one pig, after pondering the scheme for a moment. ‘So there’s voting!’ boomed Napoleon. ‘And so that people have the opportunity to vote for my wise choices’, he added.  And, then, with a watery snort that misted the air a full three feet in front of his snout, he turned his attention back to the hushed and ominously intense conversation he had been having on the urgent matter of his continued Stewardship of the animals with a very sinister looking pig with nervous, darting eyes and whose eerie ability to move about a room unnoticed reminded everyone of a pig they had known many years ago but whom had not been seen since the day Jones left the farm and it was decided that one pig would go to the city to learn how to read laws and make resolutions and things.

A VIDEO PRIMER  The Blog created this video to help better explain exactly how homeowners were duped into a system where there is voting, but no choice.

THE BARNYARD SCOREBOARD  Pigs 2, Homeowners 0!
As long as people continue to accept the Board’s ‘ballots’ as though they are the only 'true' ballot, when, in reality, they are only an artifice specifically designed to ensure that homeowners actually (Continued...)

have no meaningful ballot or choice, everyone who calls Glen Iris Lofts home will continue to be denied the right to have a voice in the affairs of their community.

And as long as ballots are not genuinely 'secret' - as called for in the By-Laws, they will continue to be abused by becoming a tool used to single out out those among us who are the 'enemies' and thus legitimate targets for the vindictive, unscrupulous 'do-gooders' who, ironically, have done little good for those they purport to serve.
PLEASE, when the next election comes around, DO NOT ACCEPT A BOARD BALLOT that, necessarily, offers no real choice.  And, please, DO NOT send A BOARD BALLOT or proxy to CMA in advance of the meeting, either.
INSTEAD, visit this Web site, where you will be able to download a perfectly legal ballot that will have EVERYONE'S name on it who wishes to be considered for service on the Board.  You will also be able to download candidate-submitted statements that will tell you about their qualifications and why they think they deserve your vote.
A proxy form will also be available for download if you will not be able to attend the meeting. The Blog will post names of your neighbors that will be in attendance at the meeting, so you can pick a neighbor or friend from among those names to ensure that your interests are represented, by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
the Blog

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  1. Word for the day - SUTHERLOGIC - n -a large amount of disjointed information meant to confuse and mislead people so that you can maintain control and act in a tyrannous manner.

    EX: Stuart used SUTHERLOGIC to confuse many homeowner's into believing his malicious lies and voting for him because they did not understand what they were voting for. Not everyone falls for SUTHERLOGIC because they know what "snakes in the grass" Sutart and and Kit really are.



    I'll bet you know them!!!

    12 Devious Tricks People Use To Manipulate You:

    1. Targeting your lack of time and attention.
    2. Misrepresenting facts based on popular beliefs.
    3. Using complex words to explain something simple.
    4. Exploiting a position of authority.
    5. Making an unreasonable request first.
    6. Drawing loosely-related conclusions.
    7. The illusion of scarcity.
    8. Lightly sugarcoating reality.
    9. Changing the topic.
    10. Presumption of guilt.
    11. Creating fear and a solution for it.
    12. Start off small and up-sell.

    By my count the Sutherland's are 11 for 12....
