Saturday, February 18, 2012

Board's mega-loan poll results: 54 to 1

The Blog recently conducted an online poll that many of you participated in. We asked if you thought the Glen Iris Lofts Board should be required to get homeowner approval before proceeding with their plan to borrow more than $400,000. The results were an overwhelming fifty-four affirmative votes and only one ‘no’ vote. While not a formal poll, readers were only able to vote once and, given that fact, it’s a pretty clear message to the Board of Directors that homeowner sentiment is clearly and heavily weighted toward their inclusion and consultation before proceeding with obtaining a loan of this size – especially when doing so comes with so many ramifications for the members of this Association.

Surely, the GIL Board will respect the wishes of such an overwhelming number of homeowners and schedule a time and place where those that have questions can ask them and the Board can provide more specific information than it has to-date on the subject.

If not, then everyone would at least have to acknowledge that Glen Iris Board, indeed, serves only a community of two.

the Blog


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  1. Since when have Kit and Stuart EVER considered home owner preferences outside of the 3 weeks leading up to an election? Not never. The smart money is on them doing exactly what they want to do and without ANY bothersome input from annoying "residents" (notice we are never addressed as "homeowners" by Kit). The only way to ensure home owner involvement is to get rid of the dictatorship.

  2. They are in such a hurry to borrow all that money, it sorta makes you wonder why...

  3. Well with complete opacity in the bid submission and requisition process and with CMA,s "loan origination" fees or whatever the fuck they called them and any as yet or to be proven kick backs the Sutherlands may be getting, no wonder we need 400,000 with of repairs. Follow the money trail
    When in doubt

  4. They damn well better have a home owner meeting to give us the specifics of loan that big and have an up or down vote.
