Friday, December 23, 2011

The Zero-Transparency Team strikes again!

Here's what I want to know...if our current water bill is estimated - like Stuart Sutherland claims - then why is every month's bill different?  They left that little detail out at the meeting, 'natch.

I bet you one of those yummy 'dinners for two to go' from Whole Foods that I know the answer!  Because like everything else they tell you, I think they make that shit up as they go along.  Hello.

Don't believe me?  Then ask yourself why we're probably the only condo association members on the planet that never get a balance sheet at their annual meeting.  Now that I think about it, I don't think we have ever gotten one. By doing that, they are basically telling homeowners that "it's none of your business what we do with your money".  I'm sorry, but I think that's just shady - and hardly very 'neighborly'.  Would somebody please deliver us from the Sutherlands' 'generous' volunteerism before they take our Association over a cliff?

My friends, I think we are being managed, lied to and played for suckers.  Which is why I'm giving myself a consultation with an attorney for Christmas!  Maybe it will help, maybe not.  One thing's for sure - it certainly couldn't make our Board any less transparent than it already is!  Stay tuned...

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  1. This sounds rather serious... Shouldn't CMA step in and investigate? Don't they (CMA) have an internal audit or forensic accounting division that could audit the books?

    We don't know for a fact that the allegations are true. What most of us do know - for certain - is that the "subject individuals" are direct, we suspect vindictive, and they have been in control of the power base of this HOA for far too long. They have certainly had an opportunity to rig and control the money & system so to speak... to their own financial gain. Whether or not their is motive - remains to be seen.

    They are certainly not hesitant (perception) to use ruthless intimidation and fear management to maintain control.... to what extent they have engaged in unethical behavior & activities - well....the jury is still out.

    However the only way to get at the root of this is to have an objective source conduct an investigative audit & this audit would NOT report to the board but REPORT their findings to the homeowners. If there is "meat on this bone" and substance to what has been alleged - "The Subject Individuals" must be held accountable.

    It is time for CMA to step in & straighten this thing out. It is also time for the "Subject Individuals" to voluntarily step down - and "allow the chips to fall where they may".... if they have nothing to hide - then nothing nefarious will surface & we can all move forward. If they threaten anyone in the future for any reason whatsoever - then it only demonstrates that they and their activities are suspicious & thus NOT transparent. We, as homeowners have rights also - we have a voice and a loud voice at that..... so any threats or intimidation by (the subjects of this blog) - will no longer be tolerated.

    So Mr. & Mrs. Southerlin - it only makes sense for you to step down, stay away from the board, do not interfere or attempt to manipulate anyone or any thing associated with GIL HOA... and again allow the truth to surface - allow yourself to be exonerated. Until cleared of any wrong doing - they should have "no authority" or influence whatsoever - anything other than absolute exoneration is unacceptible and bad for all parties involved.

  2. I agree an internal audit would be appropriate. Similar to many others, I too have been the object of the vindictiveness of the "subjects" of this article on many occasions: Having been threatened with law suits and other judicial remedies. However I must say that when I advised them to follow the course of their threat, that on every occasion, they stopped. I guess you really can't just sue someone for no reason (it's called a frivolous lawsuit), but its a good scare tactic from a self serving attorney who wants to suppress those who are suseptible to such bullying. I am fortunate that I don't fall victim to bullying, but I know there are many others who have been bullied into submission and that is unfortunate.

    I also understand from some very credible sources that the queen subject (albeit the masculine subject but feminine gender) spread salacious lies about my financial condition as well as that of my business for reasons that I can only assume would be to harm my livelihood as they have directly threatened to do in the past. But as with all untruths my continuing on about my own business proved them wrong once again.

    I also think it would be appropriate for the association at large to consult the Attorney General for advice on how matters should be handled. I certainly do no want to do anything illegal, inappropriate or any action that may adversely effect the good citizens of this community, because by and large most of the people here are good and decent people. It's a shame that a few bad apple spoil the whole bunch. And as my Grandma always said "two wrongs don't make a right"

    That being said, I really have no issue because I am a strong believer that Karma will come even though we all wish it would come sooner rather than later. I feel sure that eventually Gladys Kravitz will get her own and then I can enjoy watching her fall.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thank goodness that when I was looking at condos in 2005 the Glen Iris Lofts were just a little bit too much money and I bought a house instead. Sounds like HIGH DRAMA up in those condos.

  5. Since I didn't get a straight answer at the Annual Meeting, can someone please help me to understand what is the basis to believe that an "estimated" water bill will be "lower" than an actual water bill?

    It is well known that water and sewer has been a mess (to use a nice term) in the City of Atlanta for years. Because our water meter was paved over, we have no choice but to accept the "estimated" water bill. What PROOF has the BOD received that actuals would be higher than estimates when the City cannot provide us with actual usage (because THEY paved over the meter)? Where can the homeowners see it?

    So, apparently we are supposed to have blind faith in a City department that hasn't been able to get much right in the 6+ years I've lived at Glen Iris. Just look at all the stories on the News about that department's incompetence.

    I know I'm not getting a warm fuzzy feeling about a line item in the budget that is increasing so dramatically.
